Psicanalise e Psicofármacos |
Edition Rules
If you have reached this page it is because you may be interested in submitting a manuscript, essay or paper for publication. We wish to encourage you to take that step. We invite you to participate in the ongoing discussions among those who are interested in psychoanalysis and psychotropic drugs throughout the world.
Minimal rules for publication are as follows:
The Forum of Psychoanalysis and psychopharmacological drugs is an international and independent place for the publication of manuscripts, essays or papers about psychoanalysis and psychoactive drugs. That forum is an extension of the discussion group focused on "Psychoanalysis and Psychopharmacological drugs", which has been taking place in São Paulo, Brazil, since 1998 ( see introduction in this same page). The editorial criteria are somewhat different from those usually offered elsewhere.
Due to its format, "Psychoanalysis and psychopharmacological drugs" has neither limits in the length of papers, nor restrictions in the nature of a text. We will consider papers, thesis, conferences, etc.
Being an international forum, "Psychoanalysis and Psychopharmacological Drugs" promotes the dialogue among authors of different languages. In another words, there are no restrictions regarding the original language of a manuscript, essay, etc.
As an independent space, "Psychoanalysis and Psychopharmacological Drugs," aims at receiving and evaluating publication proposals of colleagues from all orientations. The selection must be addressed through the curator of the Forum. Submissions will be read and discussed in the group meetings. Acceptance for publication will be based on these discussions. Reports about the latter will be made available to the author.
The authors have final responsibility for the content of a manuscript.
Technical Requirements
Technical requirements for the submission of manuscripts are:
1) Files must be sent in electronic format, not in paper. The electronic format can be done in any word processor of standard words, although it will be edited in PDF version..
2) The digital file with the manuscript must be sent by email to attached to a message (file attachment), and not in the message body.
3) Do not forget to send us the following personal piece of information (it can be included in the same file with the manuscript, or it can be sent separately, to the same addresses mentioned above, explaining the connection with it
- Authors first and last name(s).
- Authors short resume or CV (minimum 1 to 5 lines).
- E-mail address ( and/ or Web page address )
4) Regarding footnotes: although word processors have an automatic inclusion for footnotes, we would prefer that you do not use that option. Instead we kindly request that you proceed as follows: put the reference number between brackets next to the word connected to the note, quotation, or foot comment (correlatives in case of more than one) with the same format of the text, and include the corresponding notes at the end of the manuscript, stating the same number.
5) Bibliographic references must be stated in the end of the work, after the foot notes.
Editing Suggestions:
When editing a manuscript file we suggest that you follow these guidelines:
1) Do not use more than one type of font. Please restrict to one (preference for Arial), with two or three sizes (for text, titles and subtitles). Use black to underline and italics for quotations.
2) Do not exceed the number of tabulations and use a simple space as format, thus reducing the file size.
3) In case of graphics, photos, animations or videos, send them separately the corresponding graphic files.
Current curator of the group: Sara Elena Hassan, psychoanalyst , MD, LMHC;
English version revised by Susana A. Galle, Ph D, M.S.Ppharm., N.D.integrative doctor