Psicanalise e Psicofármacos


This group began in February 6th, 1999, within the movement of the General States of Psychoanalysis, as a discussion group about Psychopharmacological drugs and Psychoanalysis. That group began meeting at the Livraria Pulsional – a bookstore and editor -- in São Paulo, spurred by questions regarding current psychoactive drugs. The focus was primarily on  anti-depressant use in our clinics as a means of dealing with psychological suffering.

Rubens Coura, first curator of the group, together with Maria Cristina Rios Magalhães, defined the following group goals:

The group working on clinical an theoretical issues, met at the Livraria Pulsional every third Wednesday of each month, from the last quarter in 1998 to the beginning of 2004, in order to discuss clinical cases, papers written by its participants and other authors as well.

The following points emerged from discussions:

From the start, differences in theoretical orientation, analytic training, and participants’ basic professional identity characterized the debate. The only requirement for everyone has been personal participation in the meetings.

Within this period (3) a book on the subject was published by Editora Escuta, in São Paulo, Brazil. Most of the authors had participated in the group debates since the beginning.

The first meetings in  2004 took place at the Sedes Sapientiae. Thereafter, the group got together at the Hospital-Dia "A Casa" and since the last semester 2005 it gathered at some of the participants’ private offices (Breno Serson, Renata Favaro, Teresa Lamberte). Currently, the group meetings are held at Cristina Magalhaes’ address in Higienópolis ( São Paulo). The group remains open to new participants. Only a preliminary contact with one of the participants is required.


Since 2006 the group has been meeting for discussion and debate. At the beginning of 2007, the group began to discuss the possibility of publishing its participants’ writings. This Forum was kindly offered and launched by Psicomundo for that purpose, in February 2009.

Current participants in the group:


Current curator of the Forum and group: Sara Elena Hassan

English version by Sara Elena Hassan, psychoanalyst, M.D., L.M.H.C.

Revised by Susana A. Galle, Ph D, M.S.Ppharm., N.D.integrative doctor

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